MultiplyGTM Maturity Framework

Your Path to Revenue Growth

The MultiplyGTM Maturity Framework is a methodology designed to drive the GTM plan development process. It is applicable to all organizations, irrespective of size and maturity.

It guides organizations through the entire revenue planning lifecycle from initial plan, to execution, to remediation and re-plan optimization.

The framework enables your plans to evolve making necessary adjustments over time. Focusing plan generation on growth even in the event of unexpected changes.

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Four Simple Steps to Maturity 

  • 1) Vitals

  • 2) Vision

  • 3) Voyage

  • 4) Validation

What are Your Capabilities?

MultiplyGTM establishes your baseline capability by analyzing current performance. Performance of both lead generation as well as deal performance. This baseline is then used as a benchmark against which your plans are subsequently measured. 

Your baseline performance can be automatically determined through MultiplyGTM's ability to analyze lead and deal performance from your CRM. Conversely, you can inform your GTM model of your marketing and sales performance manually.  

What are Your Goals?

Step 2 in the framework is all about your goals and the plan needed to support them. 

This is the core of the MultiplyGTM solution. Here you will establish goals, articulate what you are selling and how you segment your business, for example, by channel.

MultiplyGTM uses this information to automatically build a model that perfectly matches your goal's demands. 

As you develop your GTM plan, use the MultiplyGTM Index™ to home in on your optimal path to revenue growth. 

How Are You Performing?

Once your plan is built, it's time to execute against it. MultiplyGTM is more than just a planning tool - it is also your single-source-of-truth for tracking how your actual performance against your plan. 

Use the MultiplyGTM Index™ to measure how well you are performing against your plan. 

Do You Need to Adjust and Pivot?

"The best laid plans...". The final step in the maturity framework is one of adjustment and validation.

MultiplyGTM guides you through necessary remediation actions that may be required to get back on track.

Also use Step 4 as a means of exploring "what if..." scenarios. Often, there is more than one path to get you to your goal.


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